The program's goals are to accomplish the following objectives:
  • To produce scholars/practitioners who appreciate language and literature and who practice research
  • To foster a well-rounded knowledge of British, American, and World literature and of the various genres, as opposed to narrow, specialized knowledge of any one period or genre
  • To instill a basic understanding of the distinguishing features of the various literary periods and both cononical and non-cononical writers in those periods
  • To expect students to master the skills of perceptive, analytical reading and of writing sound expository prose
  • To conduct graduate classes in such a manner that, in addition to mastering the content of courses, students gain skills for independent research and study
  • To serve as role models for our students in communicating appreciation for and knowledge of literature, encouraging good language habits, and generally functioning as effective teachers of English
  • To aid students in developing appropriate professional values and positive, healthy attitudes about our field and the teaching profession