The MFA is a terminal degree, as opposed to an MA or any number of other degrees and certificates offered by various institutions. This means that in earning an MFA, the student has completed the highest level of professional training in the field. At FAU we take our training and our degree seriously. Students learn to overcome personal obstacles in order to arrive at clear, unfettered expression, in order to collaborate in the creation of living theatre.Dedicated to the proposition that acting is a creative art, the mastery of which is only attainable through disciplined and intensive practice, our program is geared toward the development of the total actor, in terms of his or her personal needs as an artist. 

The MFA graduate is trained, equipped and qualified to meet the stringent demands of the contemporary theatre, while at the same time have the requisite skills to work with classical text, as well as meet the unique challenges posed by film and television. The internship program is designed to enable students to make contacts with respected professional theatre companies and when possible to complete requirements for membership in actor unions.