We are augmenting and integrating our core expertise in condensed matter physics with the growing field of the Physics of Biological Systems. Additionally, we are in the process of forming the Center for Spacetime Physics. This center will pull together our current expertise in supernova astrophysics, cosmology as well as classical and quantum gravity. Our growing effort in the Physics of Biological Systems is tightly integrated with the expanding efforts here at FAU within the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science in the areas of Biomedical Science, Mathematics, Biology and Biochemistry. We will also be filling faculty lines in areas aligned with, and supporting, the charter of the Scripps Institute that will be establishing a new campus in Palm Beach County.The experimental program is presently concentrated in condensed matter physics and spectroscopy. Facilities are available for the preparation and fabrication of metallic alloy crystals, superconducting powders and semiconducting materials.Facilities are available to study and characterize these materials using Auger, LEED, uv and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction and by optical methods such as Brillouin and Raman scattering techniques.