• Indiana University’s Department of Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design offers a four years bachelor’s degree in Interior Design.
  • Students focus on integrating user needs through the use of state-of-the-art design methods.
  • Graduates emphasize collaboration and creative use of technology.
  • The B.S. in Interior Design integrates knowledge from the arts and the physical, social, and business sciences with behavioral and technical studies in textiles, apparel, furniture, and interior design.
  • The interior design program is a CIDA (Council for Interior Design Accreditation) accredited program that addresses the multidisciplinary design process used in the creation of interior space.
  • This curriculum emphasizes the relationships between the aesthetic, behavioral, and technological concerns in the creation of responsive interior environments.
  • Career opportunities are available in commercial and residential interior design firms, architectural firms, facilities management, retail furniture establishments, government and community agencies, and private design studios.
  • Majors in this program can also prepare for advanced degrees in related areas of design, such as architecture, facilities management, or environmental design.