Candidates immerse themselves in doctoral level experiences specially designed to focus on early childhood research, teaching, and service. 

Candidates concentrate on an emphasis or specialization area either Piagetian Theory, early childhood literacy, early childhood curriculum, early childhood teacher leadership, or early intervention/early childhood special education. 

Preparation focuses on the ability to successfully research and teach at the university level.

Research and Scholarship

Courses and experiences are designed for the candidate to become confident and competent in not only reading and applying research, but in designing and implementing studies that guide the field. 

Complementing the research agenda is an expectation of scholarship (presenting and publishing) contributions to the early childhood field. 

Faculty mentoring and participation in "emerging scholar communities" help to complement master teachers with research and scholarship skills required at the Ph.D. level.

Teaching Experiences

Candidates are provided opportunities to design, implement, analyze, and evaluate varied pedagogical approaches to early childhood education. 

As a significant proportion of the Ph.D. program is offered using online asynchronous technology, candidates have the opportunity to develop skills in using and designing 'distance education' that has in the past grown at a faster rate than traditional face-to-face education.


Through close interactions with, and mentoring from the ECE faculty, the ECE doctoral candidate is expected to learn about, develop a service agenda, and provide service through a variety of local, state, national, and international venues.