During the program offered by the Moravian College, you?ll get a 21st-century liberal arts education, plus a potential spot on the short list for our developing graduate programs in athletic training, occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech-language pathology.

The health sciences major is intended for students who wish to pursue careers in allied health professions after completing their undergraduate career at Moravian College.

Students who declare this major choose one of three career-specific tracks: athletic training/exercise science, physical therapy or occupational therapy?all of which leave room for electives in disciplines spanning economics to sports psychology. Another option: pick two tracks and leave your graduate options wide open. It?s all possible.

The undergraduate health sciences major perfectly positions you for continued education. Our developing graduate programs in athletic training, occupational therapy, ? physical therapy and speech-language pathology are natural continuations of the health sciences major, and those who choose such paths will graduate with two outstanding degrees that will ready them for a career in health care.