While interning, you will receive practical application for all your classroom learning to prepare you for future employment. These internships will require 270 clock hours that will count for a six-hour upper division class. Ask about internship possibilities when you visit campus! Many Sport & Leisure majors enjoy getting involved with the community through volunteering. Perhaps you will volunteer to work with area club sports or community youth leagues. Through volunteering, you can gain additional field experience and build your resume for future job hunting.

When you graduate with you degree?in Sport and Leisure, you will have the preparation you need for a successful career in a variety of possible career settings such as: recreation and fitness industry, coaching in educational and recreational organizations.

The Program

  • Prepare students for either the recreation industry or possible alternative teaching certification
  • Includes a required internship in a professional setting based on each individual student?s career interests
  • Classroom instruction focuses on both theory and practice in practicum and internship experiences

The Professors

  • Experts in their fields of study with years of professional experience
  • Experience and accreditation in coaching and teacher certification
  • Have a personal investment in your success