Once you select a major, we know you are anxious to start working towards your career field. That?s why SNU offers you immediate exposure to understanding the design process from concept to final product. Which means you will be training yourself to think like a designer in no time. Within your first year you will be learning through hands-on use of equipment beyond software. Large format printing. Binding. Our small class size allows for personal, individual attention throughout the program with focus on job placement in the field. Unlike cookie cutter models, SNU strives to help you develop your own individual design style based on your personal strengths.

At SNU we know you want your education to extend beyond the classroom. That?s why our graphic design program offers an extended list of internship possibilities. Children?s medical Research. Funnel Design. Credo House. Life Church. Third Degree Advertising Agency. Staple Gun. You may want to join one of the professional associations to network with current and future graphic designers and firms. American Institute of Graphic Arts. Ad Club. Associations for Women in Communication. Oklahoma Creativity Forum. Or consider putting your graphic design skills to the test in the Addy Awards competition. One of our current students is a two time winner in the student category. Your ad could be next!