In addition to a normal core of business classes, we focus on distinctive characteristics to make your SNU management degree a step above of the rest. Our emphasis on ethics distinctive begins in our gateway course, Ethics and Business Principles and is pulled through the entire curriculum, completed with the capstone course, Business Policy. The emphasis on ethics is a theme for decision-making and analysis not just in your courses at SNU but as you enter the workforce as well. Our second distinctive is in service. While studying at SNU, you will be encouraged to hone in on your serving skills through a variety of opportunities. Perhaps you will join Angel Tree, volunteering year round as you come alongside children and families of incarcerated parents with support, mentoring, and educational help.?

At SNU we know your education needs to extend beyond the classroom, that?s why we work hard to develop extracurricular programs to further your education.

Consider spending a summer and one semester with Morningstar Internships who provide an international combined study abroad/internship program.?

You will have the opportunity to have hands-on experience in working with the very poor in developing countries to start their own businesses. Study abroad through?
International Studies with a Business Emphasis.

This program will prepare you to work for multinational corporations as well as with international non-government organizations all over the world.

While remaining on campus, consider joining the Student Board of Directors fort he School of Business. A group that works to host, facilitated and volunteer at events with the Peer Learning Network, a SNU leadership community business program that brings nationally known speakers to the OKC business community. Try your hand at event coordinating with Ultimate Challenge a student/faculty social event that arranges the annual School of Business banquet honoring seniors. Both provide leadership experience that will be recognized by your future employer.Or join Students in Free Enterprise(SIFE) for opportunities to serve the community or internationally. Currently the SIFE team is working with a sister team in Swaziland developing local businesses to help the economy.Through SIFE you will gain hands-on experience as you deal with real business issues and become prepared for your first full time job.