The SNU School of Business is accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). ACBSP accreditation is a seal of quality recognized by universities and businesses in more than 55 countries. In our business program, you will learn in a variety of ways. Experiential-based learning. Emphasis on team development based learning. Strong ethics orientation.?

In addition to a normal core of business classes, we focus on specific characteristics to make your SNU accounting degree a step above the rest. We call them distinctives. The emphasis on our ethics distinctive begins in our gateway course, Ethics and Business Principles, and is pulled through the entire curriculum, completed with the capstone course, Business Policy. This distinctive builds a theme for decision-making and analysis, not just in your courses at SNU, but as you enter the workforce.?

The second distinctive is in service. While studying at SNU, you will be encouraged to hone in on your serving skills through a variety of opportunities. Perhaps you will join Angel Tree, volunteering year round as you come alongside children and families of incarcerated parents with support, mentoring, and educational help.?