• The BW health care MBA gives you the knowledge and skills to navigate this complexity and contribute to sound business solutions.
  • The BW health care MBA is built on the foundation of a sound MBA curriculum with the added dimension of systematic integration of health care issues and applications in all 13 courses. Students focus on developing a wide range of business skills, while exploring current and emerging health care trends. The diversity of student backgrounds, small class size and emphasis on team learning coupled with the accessibility of experienced faculty creates an excellent learning environment.
  • The health care MBA is designed for professionals working in health care settings and related fields who seek a graduate degree without interrupting their careers or interfering with weekday obligations.
  • The program, designed to be completed in two years, consists of 13 courses, offered on alternate weekends beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Friday and ending Saturday at 3:30 p.m. Classes meet nine times in each of the four semesters and there are no classes during the summer. The program is offered in Berea and at BW at Corporate College East.