Its interdisciplinary nature helps you understand the psychological, sociological and political factors underlying criminal and delinquent behavior and critical issues within the criminal justice system.?

Through BW's program, you'll gain critical thinking and problem-solving skills that prepare you for a career in law enforcement, courts and corrections. You'll gain insights, strategies and professional practices that can be readily applied to real-world situations.

The interdisciplinary major includes coursework in criminal justice as well as psychology, political science, sociology and statistics. It offers outstanding preparation for employment as well as graduate or professional school studies.

Complementing BW's comprehensive, rigorous curriculum are rich experiential learning opportunities that include internships, professional mentoring opportunities and co-curricular organizations like the Criminal Justice/Sociology/Forensic Science Club.

BW's 20-minute proximity to Cleveland puts you within easy access to impressive networking, internship and career-focused opportunities at criminal justice agencies. Also invaluable is BW's criminal justice networking program, which provides one-on-one access to successful alumni employed in the field.