Social ideals and their realization through law were systematically studied in ancient Greece. In an increasingly interdependent world, the study of politics and government has flourished as the relations between persons, groups and nations have become more complex, and questions of freedom and authority have challenged every citizen.

Modern Political Science is equally concerned with questions of political philosophy and with the pursuit of social scientific research. These concerns are reflected in a broad and diverse curriculum.

The Political Science faculty is committed to the belief that understanding politics and government is essential to a well-educated person, vital to democratic citizenship, indispensable to effective public service, and critical to the maintenance and ethical progress of a free society.

Why Consider a Political Science Major?

The Political Science program offered by Western Washington University has a?curriculum that prepares students for careers in public service-related occupations in both government and business. Many students majoring in Political Science go on to law school, graduate school and into related professions.

Sample Careers
  • Campaign Manager
  • Politician
  • Lobbyist
  • Attorney
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • FBI/CIA Agent
  • Consumer Advocate
  • Journalist
  • Labor Relations Specialist
  • City Manager
  • Author?
  • Urban Planner