Geography links the social sciences and natural sciences together, studying the relationships between human activity and natural systems.

As a geographer, you can make a difference ? from teaching to planning, from working for sustainable development to working with geospatial technologies, and more. Graduates of this major have assumed positions in State and National Parks, the Forest Service, college and universities, non-profit organizations, and the private sector.

If you are interested in teaching Geography in public schools, see the B.A. Geography/Social Studies or B.A.Ed. Geography/Elementary Education information sheet. Western also offers a Masters in Science in Geography.

Prospective Geography majors at Western Washington University are strongly advised to take additional preparatory course work that provides a strong background in several of: chemistry, biology, geology, physics, mathematics, statistics, political science, anthropology, and/or history. The preparatory courses listed for the major, where approved as GUR courses in the catalog, may be used to fulfill both Huxley College and GUR requirements.

Students wishing to complete the Geography major in four years should complete all GUR requirements in the first two years. A minor in Geographic Information Systems, Geology or an additional language are commonly completed by Geography students. All preparatory courses required for admission should be completed on a lettered or numeric grading scale, not P/NP, and must be completed with a grade of C- or better.

Why Consider a Geography Major?

Are you curious about the world, and its physical and human dimensions? Do you love maps? Are you comfortable with spatial problem solving? If so, then Geography is the major for you.

Sample Careers
  • Cartographer
  • Resource Manager
  • GIS?Database Manager
  • Water Resource Manager
  • Park Ranger
  • Forest Service Employee
  • College or University?Instructor