Students study normal communication processes and disorders.

Why Consider a Communications Sciences and Disorders Major?

Many people easily talk with family, friends, and colleagues every day. Although we often take language, speech, and hearing for granted, these processes are extraordinarily complex. Furthermore, anyone at any age can be affected by illness or injury that will impair the ability to talk or hear. In fact, one out of every six Americans has a communication disorder. Each one can be helped in some way by a speech-language pathologist, audiologist, or speech, language, and hearing scientist.

Grounded in the latest scientific theories and research, Communication Sciences and Disorders at Western Washington University students learn to assess and treat persons with communication disorders ? from infants to the elderly. In labs students have access to state-of-the-art equipment and analysis procedures as they study sound, speech, language, and hearing.

Speech-language pathologists and audiologists make a positive contribution to people's lives. With the changing makeup of our population comes the need for speech-language-hearing professionals who are skilled in working in a complex and diverse society. For people with the proper education and flexibility, employment prospects are excellent. Opportunities and challenges await you!

Sample Careers

Speech-Language Pathologist | Speech-Language Scientist | Government/Industry Consultant | Audiologist | Hearing Scientist | Clinic Administrator