• An enormous amount of exciting research is conducted in our department: counting research faculty and staff in addition to regular faculty, there are about 100 PhD scientists. That means students have numerous opportunities to join research teams. Nearly all undergraduate physics majors participate in research projects at one time or another, whether in astronomy, condensed matter physics, or high-energy particle physics, and many graduate having co-authored a journal article or two.
  • Our undergraduate majors form a supportive and cohesive community. They even have their own room in our building to hang out in. In addition, the Johns Hopkins chapter of the Society of Physics Students hosts weekly meetings alternating between research talks by faculty and physics-related films, but always including free food. Once a year the department sponsors a physics trip; recent groups have gone to CERN, the site of the Large Hadron Collider; the Brookhaven National Laboratory; and the Kennedy Space Center.