• There is an ever-increasing need in society for greater cybersystems and information security.
  • This need calls for the development of leaders who can implement, monitor, and respond to security issues, as well as researchers who can develop original and innovative technologies to improve cybersystems security.
  • The Master of Science in Computer Information Systems and Cyber Security program from AUM provides specialized training in computer network and information security, secure software engineering, operating system security, secure network engineering, and applied cryptology.
  • Students in this program will develop skills to:

    • Demonstrate an understanding of the technical, management, and policy aspects of cyber systems and information security
    • Recognize the impact of security issues related to software engineering on distributed information systems
    • Assess information risks faced by an organization and develop a response plan
    • Demonstrate an understanding of technological and human engineering problems linked to security risks
    • Access the impact of information security policies, and market developments on complex systems and organizational objectives
    • Mitigate system vulnerabilities and restore compromised services
    • Manage the development, acquisition, and evolution of a secure information network
    • Construct secure networked and distributed computer systems
    • Troubleshoot large-scale information networks and distributed systems
  • Students in this program can find jobs in settings such as homeland security, government and state agencies, private business and the military.