• B.Env.Sc in Environmental Design - Pre-Landscape Architecture at the Auburn University is a 4 year, 121-credit program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • The Academic Accelerator Program is a  designed specifically for students who are ready to succeed in immersive English-speaking classrooms, but who also want the benefit of English-language and student support that will help them thrive.
  • The program curriculum offers a balance of university-wide and AAP-exclusive courses, with English-language course supplements that equip students with the practical, subject-specific vocabulary and skills that they need to excel in their coursework. Upon completion of the program, students progress into year four of their undergraduate education with a full year’s worth of academic credits. 
  • The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design is a flexible multi-disciplinary degree. The degree content includes the five core environmental design courses, directed electives, and free electives. Students are encouraged to use the free electives to earn one or two minors.
  • Two summers of coursework are required for the environmental design workshop course series. A degree is a good option for students who are interested in pursuing graduate studies in design, planning, and construction-related programs.
  • Building its strength on the understanding of the interconnected nature of all design and construction disciplines, the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design is a multidisciplinary degree that emphasizes the blend of sustainable practices from a local and global context with comprehensive design and systems thinking.
  • Flexibility in the Environmental Design degree allows students to customize their education experience by providing the opportunity to minor in multiple subjects that are of particular interest to the student. 
  • The Pre-Landscape Architecture track of Environmental Design is preparation for the Master of Landscape Architecture Graduate Program. Pre-Landscape Architecture students begin taking the first three semesters of the master program in the summer after their third year of undergraduate study.