The Theatre Arts program provides the student with liberal arts education that leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree. Majors devote a portion of their theatre studies to an examination of the history of theatre, the role of theatre in society, and the relationship of theatre to other disciplines. All areas of theatre acting, movement, technical and literary studies are integral parts of the theatre program. Educated in the use of oral and written communication, theatre majors have an appreciation for the theatre as an art form.

Active Program Opportunities:?The Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts hosts several organizations for majors and non-majors.

Clark Atlanta University Debate Team?is composed of majors and?nonmajors?with a strong desire to engage in competitions on and off the campus of Clark Atlanta University that exercise the sport and art of intellectual debate. It also strives to educate debate team members and?CAU?students not only on the process of debate but also on relevant current world issues. These things are done while promoting professionalism and decorum among members of the debate team.