The Department's aims are to develop in students the abilities to question and think critically and to become independent investigators and to impart a philosophy of appreciation for a developing and maturing science based on well-grounded experimental evidence.

In addition to regular classroom work, the internship (PSY488) course provides an opportunity for students to work in a psychological agency in order to acquire practical experience in psychological work and a better understanding of human relations. Students design their cooperative experience in collaboration with a sponsoring agency and Psychology faculty, ensuring that the proposed experience parallels and enhances their academic studies. Prerequisite: PSY 211 and Department approval.

Students considering graduate studies in psychology should plan their major with the guidance of their assigned Department advisor so that elective courses may be tailored to their specific career and educational goals. Students with majors other than psychology who find psychology courses relevant to their educational needs are welcome to register for those classes if they have taken the prerequisite courses.?