This division includes courses in the humanities, mathematics and the natural sciences, the social sciences, and selected elective courses that are particularly appropriate to the field of criminal justice. Courses taken in the lower division are at the freshman and sophomore levels.

The upper division is designed to provide the student with a depth and breadth of knowledge related to criminal justice. Courses in the upper division are usually at the junior and senior levels and are divided into three areas:

  • Core curriculum criminal justice courses are designed to give the student a basic understanding of the philosophical, theoretical, and structural aspects of the criminal justice system and its component parts. In addition, students are offered a professional internship experience.
  • Courses with the two available program tracks focus on chosen areas of student interest in criminal justice and are selected by the student in consultation with an academic adviser.
  • Electives relevant to the degree are also selected by the student in consultation with the academic adviser. These courses allow students to explore an ancillary area of concentration. In addition, students may choose courses that broaden their understanding of the world at large.

The primary focus of this program is the justice system itself. The juvenile or adult who is accused of conduct which violates the law will be affected by law enforcement, prosecutorial, judicial, and correctional agencies. The requirements of degree programs in this department stress an integrated view of the criminal justice system. In this view all components of the system interrelate with all other components to provide coordinated justice administration. The criminal justice curriculum is designed to give students an understanding of the developing theoretical knowledge base in this field of study while simultaneously providing an understanding of how each of the component parts relate to one another.