This program has the following concentrations:

  • Concentration in Language, Culture, and Society
  • Concentration in Foreign Language Education
  • Concentration in Language and International Business

For students who hope to teach at the K-12 levels, the department offers Spanish with a concentration that leads to certification. For students who view language study as a preparation for a career in the business world, the department has two special programs: a concentration in the business language of Spanish, and a practicum in an internationally oriented business or service organization in the metro area for qualified and interested students in their senior year. The department also offers the Bachelor of Arts Major in International Economics and Modern Languages (IEML), in collaboration with the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies.

The department recognizes that an active command of the foreign language and a thorough exploration of the foreign culture form an essential basis for further study in the various areas of its curriculum. To this end, the department sponsors study-abroad programs in Granada (Spain) and Guadalajara (Mexico).

The study of global languages focuses on learning about language, linguistics, literature, and culture. The ability to speak Spanish fluently can be an asset in today’s global economy and make individuals competitive in a saturated job market. Employment opportunities exist in many career fields and graduates with a background in Spanish give themselves a competitive edge when entering the job market. 

Graduates in Spanish pursue careers in business, education, government, and the nonprofit sector, and some pursue advanced degrees. Also, a minor in Spanish is an excellent complement to a number of majors. Students pursuing careers in law, business administration, criminal justice and health sciences should consider a minor in language as a way to increase their marketable skills.