Although the department concentrates on texts written in English by authors from Great Britain, Ireland, and the United States, it also examines translations of texts from other languages as well as newly emerging literatures in English from other cultural perspectives. Students may also encounter practices that are not, strictly speaking, “writing” at all, such as oral compositions, hypertexts, and folk art.

English majors may concentrate in one of four areas: literature, advanced composition and rhetoric, creative writing, and secondary English (pre-education). Before choosing their concentrations, all English majors have the opportunity at the sophomore level to gain a broad foundation in English and American literature and studies in literature or rhetoric. Then, with the help of their advisers, majors choose upper-division courses, which allow them to pursue their interests in more depth. Finally, students study within their chosen concentrations in seminars designed as capstones for the major.

Concentrations :
  • Concentration in Advanced Composition and Rhetoric
  • Concentration in Creative Writing
  • Concentration in Literature
  • Concentration in Pre-Education/Secondary English