• The focus of the Master of Science Health Systems degree program is to train students to develop, apply, and disseminate new knowledge with respect to the analysis, planning, implementation, demonstration, and evaluation of operational and managerial systems for the delivery of healthcare services to the public.
  • This degree can be earned by completing one of the two-track options, the General Track or the Predictive Health Track.
  • The Predictive Health Track focuses on maintaining health rather than treating disease with an emphasis on strong interface between statistics and health.
  • This involves using new tools to identify and measure risks and deviations from health, and to intervene before a disease or health failure occurs. 
  • The General Tack is more broadly focused on the applications of operations research and management science methods in health care.
  • Master of Science in Health Systems students have the option to take courses from Emory via cross-registration. 
  • Graduate Students should obtain prior approval from the faculty advisor to ensure the course will count toward their degree.