• Electrical and Electronics engineering is a modern field of engineering involving the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism in areas such as power and control systems, telecommunications, and digital signal processing.
  • In this degree program students will learn about the role electrical engineering plays in today’s society and gain fundamental and applied understanding of electrical engineering as a discipline that integrates math, science, and technology while benefiting from a liberal arts education and developing soft skills that will prepare students to be successful in the major and in their careers.
  • Professional development opportunities through co-op experience, professional clubs, undergraduate research, and faculty student interaction are available. Career opportunities include design and development of electrical systems in the power, telecommunication, control, digital signal processing, and robotics industries. Graduates produce products such as cell phones, microprocessors, and biomedical devices that are an integral part of modern life.
  • The curriculum develops quantitative, computational, and problem-solving skills needed to measure, estimate, model, and simulate solutions to engineering problems and develop systematic and innovative design processes.