Program Learning Objectives:

The M.A. program is designed to insure that candidates for the degree will have an opportunity to develop

  • ??? an historical perspective on the discipline,
  • ??? an understanding of many of the current issues in several key subfields,
  • ??? the skills associated with critical thinking, writing and reading, and
  • ??? the ability to conduct original research in philosophy.

Program Overview: Ohio University offers an M.A. philosophy program in the analytic tradition broadly construed.? The program is structured to ensure that students pursue both a) coursework in a variety of the core subfields of philosophy and b) more specialized study culminating in a piece of original research in the master?s thesis.

The department includes faculty with specialization in aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, history and philosophy of science (including philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of biology, and? philosophy of physics), the history of philosophy (including ancient and modern), metaphysics, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of religion, and social and political philosophy; thus, philosophy M.A. students at Ohio University have the opportunity to pursue in-depth research in any of these subfields. The program also affords students the chance to develop as teachers of philosophy.? Each year all M.A. students participate in a seminar designed to provide mentorship on teaching.??

Additionally, select students have the opportunity to teach introductory logic to Ohio University undergraduates.? In the first year of the program these students run a recitation section for an introductory logic class taught by a full-time faculty member, and in the second year they have the chance to teach their own section of introductory logic.

Opportunities for Graduates:

The M.A. program in philosophy provides students with the foundation for doctoral studies in philosophy or other careers ? such as law ? where critical reasoning, writing and speaking skills are prized.