Program Learning Objectives:

Students will develop advanced capacities to work independently and make effective artistic and intellectual judgments and professional decisions in the area of specialization.

Program Overview:

The students in the Master of Music Performance: Conducting Emphasis (Choral, Orchestral, or Wind) degree program benefit from a fully immersive apprenticeship that affords them the opportunity to develop experience and skills in all aspects of the art and profession of conducting. The conducting faculty are very active at the state, regional, national, and international levels as guest conductors and lecturers and have extensive experience in conducting and conducting pedagogy.

Each of the three degree-tracks features a mentorship between the student and the major faculty member, allowing for close interaction and evolving discussion on various aspects of conducting. Within the apprenticeship model, the students gain experience in nearly every area of their major conducting faculty?s teaching and administrative responsibilities. Graduate conducting students are assigned a conducting load so that they are always in one, if not multiple, rehearsal cycles between the various ensembles in their area, which grants them the chance to work with a variety of skill levels and to develop a broad range of repertoire.

Throughout the duration of their residency (usually two years), a graduate conducting student will rehearse and perform with the appropriate select ensemble(s) multiple times. The faculty members encourage additional research and discussion in conducting literature, repertoire, organizational psychology, program philosophy, and physical efficiency and health to offer a holistic perspective and preparation in the field. Another strength of the program is the competitive stipend/benefits/tuition waiver assistantship package compared with other institutions of similar size and scope.?