The MA in Film Studies at Ohio University takes a broad approach to film studies in the humanities, with the aim of nurturing innovative and rigorous scholars who can use their experience at OU to enter doctorate programs or find appropriate careers in the field. The program is composed of two compulsory course tracks in film history and theory as well as a range of electives covering a variety genres, movements, and critical approaches. While the compulsory courses provide a survey of the field, the electives often focus on new research in film studies.

Program Learning Objectives

  • Scholarship: Students will be able to produce original scholarship in film, acceptable at a scholarly peer-reviewed level.
  • Critical Thinking: Students will gain a mastery of a broad range of critical, theoretical, and historical approaches to film, and be able to apply these to a range of films across different historical periods, nationalities, and modes of production.
  • Teaching: Students will gain experience in undergraduate teaching that addresses course learning outcomes, engages students, and employs different resources appropriately to produce a rich leaning environment.
  • Professional Development: Students will articulate and implement a comprehensive vision of their career paths and goals.