To prepare students to make their own contributions to the rapidly expanding field of biomedical engineering, the master?s program provides a solid academic foundation and the opportunity to conduct research and development at the cutting edge of life science and engineering. Research areas include cellular and biomolecular engineering, biomechanics, and biomedical information processing. The program faculty draws from four colleges, with cross-college collaboration common.

Program Learning Objectives

  • Apply graduate-level concepts in engineering, biology, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, and physics to real-world problems.
  • Develop expertise in an area of research specialization.
  • Plan and execute a strategy to test a scientific hypothesis or proposed engineering solution, using prior published knowledge as a foundation.
  • Communicate advanced engineering knowledge and the results of novel research and development activities in professional venues.
  • Develop habits of collaboration, leadership, initiative, safe performance of work, and ethical conduct.