Small-enrollment courses in the literature of different historical periods draw connections between the past and present and allow students to practice collaborative learning, pursue complex ideas, and deepen their pleasure in language and writing—both others’ and their own.

The major is also flexible enough to match students’ own interest and goals. Students can fulfill up to 9 of the required hours in the major with creative writing workshops, courses in rhetoric or visual texts, or apprenticeship or internship experiences. Lake all majors in the English Department, the English – Literature in Writing major includes the English Core to provide a solid foundation in literary genres and research.

Careers and Graduate School

Having honed their ability to grasp complexity, communicate clearly, understand multiple contexts, and provide synthetic answers, graduates of the English – Literature & Writing program are prepared to pursue a wide variety of careers.

Many graduates go on to pursue graduate programs, including M.A. or Ph.D. programs in English Literature & Language, master’s programs in Information Science or Education, and law or business school.

Others work in publishing, web content development, corporate communications, grant-writing and community organizing, advertising, or personnel management. As importantly, the well-rounded education that OHIO requires of its English students can help ensure that they are ready for the unexpected challenges of a rapidly changing job market.