Another distinct advantage of the program is the presence of the Ashbrook Center on campus. This independent organization, dedicated by President Ronald Reagan in 1983, sponsors presentations by key political figures on our campus. The opportunity to obtain a degree in International Political Studies in such an environment is unique in all the world.What You?ll Love About the International Political Studies Major:

  • You?ll get lots of personal attention from your professors that simply would not be possible at a large state university. Our professors get to know you well.
  • Classes are not lectures, but rather conversational seminar type learning sessions that invite interaction and thoughtful discussion.
  • We do not use textbooks, but rather work from original texts and speeches given by the foremost international political figures. In this way, you learn to analyze issues and reach your own conclusions about an issue.
  • You have the opportunity to attend events sponsored by the Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs. Previous guest presenters include Edwin Meese, Margaret Thatcher, Henry Kissinger and William Bennett among many others.
  • You will have the opportunity to write a senior thesis, working closely with your professor on your research and development.