The Environmental Science Option provides graduate students with an integrated, multidisciplinary education, requiring a breadth of understanding and mastery of a spectrum of scientific and engineering principles.The thesis option, designed for those interested in an in-depth experience in some particular topic, and a non-thesis option are available. All new students are admitted into the non-thesis option. During the first year, students may transfer to the thesis option after obtaining a faculty thesis supervisor. A thesis supervisor is not guaranteed.

The Geoscience Option is a two year program with specializations in stratigraphy, petrology, paleontology, sedimentology, structural geology, tectonics, plate tectonics, computer modeling, hydrology, geochemistry and paleoclimatology. Students in this program are prepared for additional graduate work at the PhD level, or for positions in industry and government. Thesis or non thesis options are available However, all new students are admitted into the non-thesis option. During the first year, students may transfer to the thesis option after obtaining a faculty thesis supervisor. A thesis supervisor is not guaranteed.

The Environmental Science Professional Option is a Professional Master’s Degree for those interested in a career in Environmental Science. Instead of a thesis, students participate in a mentoring program, take a course in project economics, work as an intern or in a part time job in the Environmental Science Profession, and course experiences involving business ethics, teamwork, a small research project, and communication. This is a non thesis program.

The Petroleum Geoscience Professional Option is a Professional Masters Degree for those interested in a career in Petroleum Geoscience. In addition to core geology courses, students are required to participate in a networking program with industry professionals, work as an intern or in a part time job in petroleum geoscience, take a course in project economics, and participate in course activities that emphasize business ethics, teamwork and communications. A thesis research project is required. All students are initially admitted to the Geoscience non-thesis option. During the first year, students may transfer to the Petroleum Geoscience option after obtaining a faculty thesis supervisor. A thesis supervisor is not guaranteed.