The BE Department supports the University and College of Engineering mission by offering a broad-based undergraduate education leading to a degree of bachelor of science in with emphasis on technical, professional, ethical, and societal responsibilities associated with the practice of engineering. Advanced masters and doctoral degrees are offered with emphasis on technical specialization and the advancement of knowledge in several areas of bioengineering.

The overall goal of the Biomedical Engineering programme offered by University of Texas Arlington is to promote intellectual development of those interested in the bioengineering profession, and to produce graduates who possess the knowledge, tools and traits necessary for a successful career, and for assuming a leadership role in the bioengineering profession. More specifically, the educational program objectives are to produce graduates who:

  • Possess a broad-based bioengineering education to successfully obtain professional positions, and practice bioengineering in a wide range of professional settings including industries, healthcare facilities, and consulting firms.
  • Exhibit professional growth throughout their careers by taking on increasing professional responsibilities, and pursue life-long learning by participation in job-related advanced training activities, and/or attending graduate school, or professional school (medical or dental school).
  • Demonstrate success and leadership in practice of engineering by contributing to the economic well-being of their employers and society, and by dedicated service to professional societies.