The goal of the Theatre Arts program from Humboldt State University is to provide a solid and broad foundation of knowledge, skills, and hands-on practice in performance, design, and technology in order to prepare students for jobs in the arts, other careers, and further graduate study.

Specific job skills learned in theatre classes and productions such as creative problem solving, working in teams, time management, self-direction, and good communication are highly valued by employers in all professions. Many of our graduates have successful careers in professional theatre and beyond in management, education, consulting, web design, and fashion design.

Students will begin their theatre training by approaching foundational knowledge in history, vocabulary, and other skills that will strengthen their experiential learning. They will build on their understanding of principles of performance, design, and technology in class projects and productions. As they progress through the program, students will be able to analyze productions and apply their skills and knowledge in more sophisticated and prominent ways. In their project work, students will step beyond standard solutions to develop their creative thinking and problem solving skills. Throughout their education, they develop strong collaboration skills and experiences that enhance their appreciation for the importance of team work in any endeavor.

Many Theatre Arts majors also take minors in Dance, Film, or other disciplines such as Music.