The M.S. option in statistics is designed to prepare students for positions in industry or government. It also serves as a basis for future work towards a Ph.D. in Statistics or Biostatistics. This program is designed to provide the student with a background in basic theory along with experience in various applications, including computational aspects. As part of their training, students will receive comprehensive exposure to the use of SAS, one of the more popular statistical software packages. In addition to courses offered within the department, the program allows room for the students to take statistics courses in other departments on campus.
Students entering the M.S. are expected to have had Linear Algebra and Calculus up through Multivariate Calculus (this is typically covered by a three semester sequence in U.S. schools). Students with a weak background in these areas will be required to take appropriate courses at an early stage of their graduate study here.
The requirements for the M.S. degree involve coursework, a project and qualifying exams.