Normally a candidate will write a thesis, but it is possible to elect a program of study that does not include writing a thesis.? (M.S. Geosciences - graduate school link)

The geology and physical geography faculty have a broad range of interests and expertise that includes structural geology, geomorphology, igneous and metamorphic petrology, volcanology, mineralogy, evolution of planetary crusts, geophysics, paleomagnetism, analytical geochemistry, Precambrian geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, glacial geology, micropaleontology, Quaternary studies, paleoceanography, climatology and paleoclimatology, aqueous geochemistry, sedimentary geochemistry, biogeochemistry, hydrogeology, and environmental geology. Field work is a central feature of the research of most faculty members. Students are encouraged to interact with faculty representing several sub-disciplines in the field. Students also have the possibility of interacting with Five College faculty members. The Five College Consortium promotes academic cooperation between Amherst , Hampshire, Mount Holyoke , and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts.