The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the ground we walk on connects our lives with what is known as the earth sciences.

The study of earth science at Iowa State prepares students to interpret, appreciate, and cope with interrelated earth systems. As our awareness of human interactions with the environment increases, our need for better understanding of the way the earth works becomes more urgent.

A degree in earth sciences opens the door to many careers. Possible careers include:

  • assessment of natural hazards (earthquakes, floods, landslides, volcanoes)
  • conservation and management of soil and ground-water resources
  • environmental planning and monitoring
  • exploration for energy and mineral resources
  • research into Earth processes and history
  • site investigations for engineering projects
  • teaching careers at secondary and university level

Graduates work to understand natural processes on Earth and other planets. They are able to apply their knowledge of forces and factors that shape the Earth to reconstruct the past and anticipate the future.