You will learn professional illustration and visual communication techniques and master the use of technology as applied to scientific visualization.

You will also complete an internship, which allows you to produce artwork suitable for print or digital media. You may illustrate publications written by campus biologists, create animations and websites to support campus courses, or intern with a professional communication firm or museum. This major will prepare you for a career in scientific illustration or graduate education in medical illustration.

With a degree in biological and premedical illustration you will have the skills necessary to work in fields such as biocommunications, medical illustration and animation, environmental display design, scientific publication, and museum display design.

Graduates enter fields such as biocommunications, environmental display design, free-lance illustration, museum display design, and various careers in the publishing industry.

Entrance into the BPM I program is by application to the BPM I Advisory Committee. Eligibility is based on an academic standard of at least 2.00 CGPA on 30 credits of university level work and a consideration of artistic ability as demonstrated through submission of a portfolio of representative drawings or other art work. Freshman and transfer students usually declare pre-BPM I as their major while satisfying the conditions for entrance into the major, although other majors can be declared.