• Knowing how to construct texts that appeal to different audiences is a critical skill for the 21st century. With the proliferation of online and accelerated communication, the ability to tell a story that engages and persuades an audience is more important than ever. A degree in writing can help you develop this ability.
  • As a writing major, you will have opportunities to develop storytelling skills in a wide variety of genres and media. Whether you are interested in connecting storytelling to traditional genres (academic, poetry, magazine, fiction, non-fiction) or to the latest writing technologies (document design software, content management systems), you can select courses that best prepare you for future professional careers.
  • Through a unique m­­odular curriculum that combines courses in professional, academic, and creative writing, you will learn how to create, shape, design, and share texts. These abilities will allow you to enter the world in a variety of careers. You can become a web writer, freelancer, document designer, magazine writer, editor, publisher, or technical writer, to name a few. The flexibility and the variety of courses offered lets you shape your educational experience and future professional identity.