• It is an appropriate major for students who wish to :
  • organize their studies around problems, issues, and themes, (such as the nature of work, the relationship between religion and society, and community organization,) rather than around traditional disciplines;
    • focus on a particular interdisciplinary area of study, such as cultural studies, American studies, leadership studies, sustainability studies, gender studies, and more; and
    • concentrate simultaneously on a general education and a particular academic discipline or career area.
    • The program begins with a core of required courses. Then, with the help of a faculty advisor, students develop a major area of study based on a specific theme, issue, problem, or career interest.Students interested in exploring the liberal studies option might begin by taking one of the core courses in conjunction with the Grand Valley State University general education requirement or one of the integrative or interdisciplinary electives. Students may also wish to make an advising appointment with any one of the faculty from the liberal studies department.