• The mission of the program from Grand Valley State University is to provide students with the intellectual foundations and experiences necessary to use information technology effectively in their chosen career
  • Flexibility. By choosing electives and minors in related subject areas, students can further tailor their degrees to fit their individual needs and career goals.
    • Theoretical foundation and practical experience offer excellent preparation for the job market and valuable industry experience.
    • Small class sizes of approximately 30 students.
    • Qualified faculty. Most faculty members hold doctoral degrees and have a wide breadth of experience in the industry.
    • Competent advisors are available to all students.
    • The School of CIS has its own dedicated state of the art computer labs for hands-on equipment. A premier data communications lab and computer architecture lab are also available.
    • Database administrator
    • Data analyst
    • Network administrator
    • Network systems analyst
    • Software engineer
    • Systems software developer
    • Computer systems analys