• The English curriculum is flexible, allowing students to personalize their degree by choosing from a wide range of appealing electives.
  • The English curriculum is diverse, introducing students to a multitude of cultures, languages, and perspectives.
  • The English curriculum is current, equipping students to succeed in a global economy by strengthening communication, reading, and writing skills.
  • An English degree is versatile, qualifying students for many careers and graduate programs.
  • The English Department offers a wealth of enrichment opportunities, including multiple departmental scholarships and contests, faculty-led studies abroad, acclaimed visiting scholars, and an annual celebration of its majors.
  • Career Options
  • Because English emphasizes critical thinking, interpretation, research, and writing, it is an excellent foundation for professional careers and graduate programs, including:
  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Journalism
  • Business
  • Writing
  • Publishing
  • Film and television
  • Criminal justice