• Personal attention by award winning and caring faculty in all courses and laboratories in our student-oriented, teaching-focused nurturing learning environment.
  • Extensive hands-on and project-based learning supported by our student-focused, state-of-the-art teaching, laboratory, and project facilities in programs accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, abet.org/.
    • Three semesters of paid cooperative-education work experience prior to graduation in recognized domestic and international engineering companies.
    • Tremendous support from our industrial partners who fund many engineering scholarships.
    • A nearly 100-percent placement rate into work or graduate school for our graduates. Study/work abroad available.
    • Career Options
    • The following are just a few career options for engineers:
    • Biomedical engineer
    • Computer engineer
    • Design engineer
    • Digital systems engineer
    • Electrical engineer
    • Energy engineer
    • Manufacturing engineer
    • Mechanical engineer