• CourseworkThe program consists of coursework in the geosciences, physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Some required courses include:
  • Astronomy
    • Earth history
    • Earth science in secondary education
    • Geomorphology
    • Mineralogy/petrology
    • Oceanography
    • Weather and climate
    • Career Options Most earth science B.S. graduates pursue careers in secondary education. We recommend that students choose a minor in biology or one of the other sciences. Students that take the extra coursework needed to obtain an integrated science secondary endorsement are most successful in starting their teaching careers in Michigan. Demand for earth science graduates is high across the countryIn addition to knowledgeable, accomplished faculty members, the geology department provides an excellent learning community and invaluable learning experiences outside the classroom.
    • Students often take part in field studies and educational research where they can apply their earth science knowledge in real-world situations.
    • Individually mentored educational, curriculum, or geologic research opportunities are available to our undergraduate students that are rare in other educational programs and at other universities.
    • Our students frequently attend and/or present their work at national, state, or regional professional meetings.
    • The Geology Club meets regularly and organizes events such as on-campus speakers, field experiences, and attendance at local, regional, and national conferences.
    • The geology department strongly recommends students in this major complete get a biology minor. Earth science majors with a biology minor can earn a Science (DI) endorsement with an additional 9 credits coursework. Students are encouraged to visit their advisor to design the best possible curricular track. A minimum of 2.7 GPA in the major is required for recommendation for teacher certification.