• The Communication Studies major provides the intellectual resources integral to communication professionals and essential to citizenship. Students learn about communication as both a practice and the study of that practice so that they may know and use various understandings of communication to solve practical communication problems.The communication studies curriculum combines a broad overview of the field with an emphasis in one or two professional areas. Students learn to apply broad-based communication theory to their chosen areas of focus in mass communication and/or communication arts, as well as in the electives they take outside of the School of Communications. Graduates of the program are prepared to work in organizations that believe in the value of life-long learning--those recognizing that a broad, liberal education combined with excellent skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening are the best qualification for a career. This major is also appropriate for students who plan to pursue graduate study.Mission - Vision - Values
  • Mission
  • The School of Communications and its major programs, in agreement with the universitys mission, educates students to shape their lives, their professions, and their societies. The School of Communications curricula strive to accomplish this within a framework that integrates liberal and professional education. The Communication Studies major educates students to acquire the professional capabilities and human sensibilities necessary so that they may find an appropriate place within the community of communication professionals and citizens.
  • Vision
  • A broad education, rooted in the arts and sciences, as well as education in professional communication, provides Communication Studies majors with the general knowledge and specialized knowledge-base necessary to participate intelligently in public discourse as well as in the discourse and practices within the communication profession.
  • Values
  • The Communication Studies major values an education in the liberal arts and sciences, and maintains that a liberal education is necessary for both a satisfying personal life and a successful career. As well, the Communication Studies major values mastery of skills appropriate to the communication professions, and values the integration of liberal and professional education.