• Faculty attention. Beyond the freshman year, our courses become smaller and more intimate. All upper-division courses are taught by Ph.D. chemists with specialized training and research expertise.
  • Hands-on laboratories. Students gain extensive, firsthand experience preparing solutions, conducting experiments, and operating advanced research-quality instruments.
  • Research experiences. Students have the opportunity to contribute to genuine scientific research on novel projects while receiving one-on-one mentoring from a faculty member.
  • Academic flexibility. Our emphases provide a flexible learning experience for students.
  • Professional development. Many of our students travel to professional meetings with their faculty mentors to present research findings and network with other researchers.
  • Support. Endowments provide scholarships, grants, and fellowships for student tuition, travel, and research.
  • Excellent teaching. Chemistry faculty have won 23 Outstanding Teacher, Pew Teaching Excellence, and Distinguished Undergraduate Mentoring awards from the university.Graduates work in a variety of different fields, including:
  • Environmental testing
  • Forensics
  • Teaching
  • Pharmaceuticals