The  program from Grand Valley State University is designed to prepare those students who are planning to pursue doctoral degrees.

  • Faculty have practical experience, diverse specialties, strong academic credentials, and a vast knowledge of the criminal justice system.
  • Students receive a challenging, enriching, and applied academic experience.
  • Class sizes are small, students in the program come from various backgrounds, and there are numerous opportunities for students to work one-on-one with professors through graduate assistantships.


Students study a variety of criminal justice topics, including:

  • Criminology
  • Criminal justice leadership
  • Criminal justice policy
  • Legal and ethical issues
  • Research methodology and statistics

Career Options

Graduates find employment in a variety of professions, including:

  • Law enforcement
  • Court administration
  • Correctional administration
  • Juvenile justice
  • Probation and parole
  • Private security
  • Social services
  • Public administration