• Grand Valley's unique combination of practical skills training within the context of a liberal arts education prepares graduates for a wide range of careers.
  • Grand Valley has one of the larger criminal justice programs in the country and faculty who are nationally recognized for contributions in the discipline.
    • Faculty members offer students the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of research and service-learning opportunities.
    • The program offers students the chance to complete an internship in the agency or organization of their choosing.
    • The program provides learning opportunities to assist faculty in the field, gathering and analyzing data on community issues and evaluating community programs.
    • Class sizes are small and intimate, providing for a learning environment conducive to dialogue and meaningful interpretation of material.
    • Students are given the opportunity to take classes from faculty with diverse interests and practical experiences.
    • Career Opportunities
    • Graduates are employed in a variety of human service professions, including:
    • Correctional case workers
    • Counselors
    • Juvenile case workers
    • Law enforcement officers
    • Parole and probation officers
    • Security personnel