• The degree from Grand Valley State University is focused on determining how cells develop and function as well as the application of this knowledge in fields such as biotechnology, pharmacology, and biomedicine.
  • The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in CMB consists of a series of high-impact laboratory and computational courses as well as a research project which prepare students for employment or graduate training in the life sciences and professional (eg. medical, dental) schools.
  • The combined degree program (B.S./M.S.) offers qualified undergraduates the option to earn a B.S. and an M.S. in an accelerated time frame. Students admitted to this program may take graduate courses after completing 90 undergraduate credits, and up to 12 credits of graduate work may be used in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the undergraduate degree.
  • Career Options
  • CMB prepares students for careers in:
  • Biotechnology
    • Higher education
    • Forensics
    • Agriculture
    • Intellectual property law
    • Life science research
    • Medicine
    • Pharmaceuticals