• Our MB ChB Medicine 4.5-year degree program is designed to train highly ethical, honest, and compassionate doctors who will put the patient first. The Medical School received General Medical Council (GMC) accreditation in May 2019.
  • The course is divided into Phases 1 and 2.
    • Phase 1 consists of a series of integrated and interdisciplinary units mostly based around the systems of the body and presented in a clinical context. By the end of Phase 1, our students will be able to communicate effectively with patients, examine them clinically, and have a sufficient understanding of how the body works in health and disease to embark on full-time clinical work.
    • Phase 2 is about building on the foundations of Phase 1 through intensive work with patients and doctors in the clinical environment. Over a series of themed blocks, our students will be given structured exposure to all aspects of medicine in both the hospital and the community.
  • The placements take place in hospitals and general practices. In keeping with the Buckingham ethos, the ratio of students to clinical teachers and patients is kept low so that our students have the best chance to interact with a wide variety of patients and doctors.